
Konferenz/Tagung/Workshop, Onlineveranstaltung, Vortrag

Online-Seminar: Collecting Covid-19 part 1

Public History Seminar, School of Advanced Study – University of London

24. February 2021 17.30 Uhr

Collecting Covid-19 part 1:
Examining how museums have worked with communities to collect and record the pandemic

24 February 5:30pm GMT
Andrea Hadley-Johnson & Simon Brown (National Justice Museum) and Imogen Clarke and Stewart Emmens (Science Museum)

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact our lives in many ways. Over two seminars the Public History Seminar will look at the ways museum have been recording and collecting this moment in our history. The first will look at how the National Justice Museum in Nottingham and the Science Museum in London have worked with communities and individuals to record experiences of the pandemic. During a time when we must be physically distanced, we’ll explore how these institutions approached the question of what should be recorded and the methods they used to do it.

You can register here: https://www.history.ac.uk/seminars/public-history-seminar

Veröffentlicht am 24.02.2021