
Administrative Belange, Rechtliches

Mustervertragsklauseln für Nagoya-Protokoll relevante Forschungsvorhaben (Model Clauses) (2019)

Mustervertragsklauseln für Nagoya-Protokoll relevante Forschungsvorhaben (Model Clauses) (2019)

Die DFG-Senatskommission für Grundsatzfragen der biologischen Vielfalt hat Erläuterungen und Mustervertragsklauseln veröffentlicht, die den Umgang mit den gesetzlichen Regelungen erleichtern sollen. 

These model clauses are designed to assist researchers planning to implement research projects with access to genetic resources when negotiating an agreement on such access with provider state authorities. In some instances, provider states do not have their own model agreement, or the one they use appears to be over-restrictive or otherwise inappropriate from the user perspective. In such cases these model clauses and their explanations shall furnish the researcher with a tool for negotiating fair and equitable terms. They can also serve as a reference if the provider state regulation requires that the partner to the access agreement must be a domestic researcher or research institution. 

Veröffentlicht am 08.01.2020