
Konferenz/Tagung/Workshop, Onlineveranstaltung

Archaeological University Collections: Past Lessons and Future Goals

Antikensammlung der Universität Heidelberg, Universität Helsinki

27./28. November 2023

On 27 & 28 November 2023, the online workshop "Archaeological University Collections: Past Lessons and Future Goals" will take place, in which ideas and perspectives from various archaeological university collections will be presented. Specifically, the aim is to strengthen the role and presence of the collections and to benefit from each other's experiences and pilot projects. The workshop language is English. Registration is not necessary, the programme can be found in the appendix.

Main objectives of the workshop
Established as ‘study collections’, archaeological university collections combine academic teaching, research, and public outreach. Such collections often have a fascinating history of their own, as some collections were systematically formed to serve teaching and research, and sometimes even addressing the broader public, while others emerged as a side product of the teaching activities, without a clear museological programme. Facing growing demands, but at the same time often operating on a minimum financial support and human resources, many university collections have to constantly justify their existence and funding both politically and socially.

A better visibility from outside and intensive research showing the value of archaeological and art historical university collections is one survival strategy which needs ideas and engagement. Papers will present projects from and with university collections in the fields of teaching, research and public outreach. With the workshop, we aim to stimulate open discussions about the current and future role of archaeological university collections and to create a room to share ideas and experiences that can be imported, helping to strengthen individual collections and contributing to the common goal of raising awareness for their importance.

The workshop is part of a strategic synergy project between the Collection of Classical Antiquities of Heidelberg University and the Helsinki University Museum Flame. The collaboration project is funded by Heidelberg University, funding line "Expanding Internationality: Mobility in International Research Collaborations."

All interested participants are welcome to join without prior registration

Zoom link: https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/65679237484?pwd=c3pqWGp4cXUrLzU3L20yYVIveUNJQT09
Meeting ID: 656 7923 7484 Passcode: 666304

Polly Lohmann (polly.lohmann(at)uni-heidelberg.de)

Portal „Wissenschaftliche Sammlungen“

Universität Heidelberg
Veröffentlicht am 16.11.2023