Call for Papers
Call for Papers: Between opportunities and limitations: managing and curating university collections today for tomorrow
UNIVERSEUM annual meeting 2025
Annual UNIVERSEUM meeting at the University of Graz, 26 - 28 June: “Between opportunities and limitations: managing and curating university collections today for tomorrow”.
The call for papers is now open. We welcome contributions from cultural heritage professionals and academics, but also from Masters and PhD students. Please make sure to send your abstract by Friday 15 February 2025 to .
This year the University of Graz is host to the Universeum conference.
The Museums of the University of Graz are embedded in the “Seventh Faculty” dedicated to society, knowledge and communication. The University Museums provide two exhibition spaces opened to the public on a regular basis which are the UniGraz@Museum (housing the historical-physical collection, a space for presenting university history and a temporary exhibition space) and the Hans Gross Kriminalmuseum, presenting the beginning of criminological research in an international context. Other collections are decentralized and encompass: the archaeological collection, the coin collections, the epigraphic collection, the “Meringer” collection (a cultural anthropological collection), the geological collection and the botanical garden as well as rare book collections which are located at the University Library.