
Forschung und Lehre, Publikationen

Neue Ausgabe von UMAC Journal

International Committee for University Museums and Collections (UMAC)
Neue Ausgabe von UMAC Journal

The University Museums and Collections Journal publishes original research on all aspects of museology and museum practice in higher education globally. All articles published explore theoretical concepts of museology in a higher education setting and/or pertinent aspects of organisation theory. Leading scholarship on the materiality of higher education will also feature in the Journal. Individual case studies are acceptable as contributions to the Journal, provided they are appropriately theoretically framed.

This journal is printed in English, and submissions are accepted in this format for peer review. Authors are also encouraged to submit an additional copy in a preferred/first language. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure the paper in an alternate language is edited. Both versions of the paper would be available via the UMAC website.

The latest publication of ICOM's International Committee for University Museums and Collections addresses ancestral remains, repatriation and restitution.

Neue Ausgabe

UMACJ 17 (1), 2025: Beyond Provenance Research: Restitution and Return from University Museums. Steph C. Scholten, Andrew Simpson, Gina Hammond (eds.)

All queries and contributions, including illustrations, should be emailed to UMACJ Editor.

Veröffentlicht am 06.03.2025