Teaching with Objects (TwO)
2022 - 2026, Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership in Higher Education

In February 2022, the Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership in Higher Education project Teaching with Objects started its work. The project was initiated as part of the Universeum network by members of the Working Group Digital Initiatives together with the president of Universeum, Sébastien Soubiran. It will run for three years through to 2024.
The objective of this project is to foster and support innovative Object-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) methods and practices in higher education by collecting, evaluating, enhancing and sharing concepts, methods and tools for teaching with academic heritage objects, including in digital and hybrid didactic situations. The work will be done in close cooperation with members of the Universeum network, teaching practitioners and students. The project will build an online toolbox for object-based teaching and hopes to establish a sustainable network, a community of practice supporting teaching with objects from university museums and collections.